Please Note: This guide refers only to the legacy bLoyal Gift Card plugin developed by Dinerware for older versions of the system (Dinerware V2 and below). For Dinerware V3 and above, we have a full in-flow and backoffice integration available.
- Setup a bLoyal Gift Provider in client's Director account: Setup => Service Providers
- Import gift cards client would like provisioned (unless client is handling this themselves): Tools => Data Imports => New button => select bLoyal Gift Cards import type.
- Set up a store and device key: Channels => Stores
- Device key will be need to be entered into Dinerware's gift card plugin for use with bLoyal. It will be generated automatically upon initially saving the device entry.
- Create a web service user: Setup => Settings => User Accounts
- Web service URL to be entered into Dinerware gift card plugin:
-, where XX = the client's cluster
- Cluster assignment matches client's Director login URL, e.g. director11 would be Cluster 11.
- Only exception would be (no number) which is Cluster 4, our legacy V3 cluster. Just like the Director URL, no number needs to be entered into the WS URL, so that would just be:
- Please note the Legacy 1.4 API is no longer running on Clusters 2, 12, and Beta.
Note: An incorrect system date will prevent connection between the terminal and bLoyal.
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