- Customer Referrals - The Customer Referral capability has been enhanced with this release. There is now a new Customer Referral entity which tracks a referral through its lifecycle of Pending, Accepted, and Expired. This entity is shown in the Director Customers module and available as a section in each customer's Details sub-section (see below), so you can track at the customer level which customers they have referred.
You may also manually convert referrals to full-fledged customers, if you wish:
There is a new Customer Referral Web Snippet that makes it easy to add a customer referral form (i.e., Tell-a-Friend form) on your website. The customer referral snippet uses our new React-based framework for mobile responsiveness and ease of adding to your web site.
In the Channels area of Director you will notice a new "Web Snippets Profiles 2.0" section. This is where all new web snippets profiles are defined. With this release the Customer Referral snippet type and the Customer Dashboard snippet types are available here (the rest are in the older Web Snippets Profiles editor. Over the next couple releases we will be migrating all web snippets to this new snippet configuration UI. For this release, just the Customer Referral and Customer Dashboard snippets can be edited here.
To add a Customer Referral snippet to your website, you can either use one of the certified bLoyal E-Commerce connectors or manually add the snippet to your site by clicking the COPY HTML command from the Snippet Profile to obtain the HTML you can add to a page on your site:
The Web Snippet provides the ability for the "Referred By" customer to add a personalized message that is included in the email sent to the referred customer:
The email sent to the referral customer is defined in the Customer Referral section of a Brand template (via Director in the Setup => Brands area). You can add content just like any other email and include macros to personalize the emails sent.
When a referred customer joins, the "Referred By" customer will be set to the new customer's profile in the Referred By customer field. This is how the system tracks referral benefits and can be used by the promotion and Loyalty Accrual Rules you define for your Loyalty Program. When you create a rule in Director you can specify the "Target Person" to be the "Referred By" customer as shown below. This will target the award to the Referred By customer instead of the customer on the sale:
If you are needing assistance on placing web snippets on your website please consider going to bLoyal Plugin for WooCommerce: Update & Setup Guide, bLoyal App for Shopify Setup Guide and Embedded Web Snippets
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