The bLoyal Support Center makes it easy to automatically create and update Support Incidents by email.
A new email sent to (or your higher priority support address) will automatically create a new support incident, with the Subject line of your email as the title of your incident. For this reason, you'll want to make sure that you provide a detailed subject line, to make it easier for you to manage your tickets, as well as for us to prioritize your issues.
You will very shortly receive an email with the ticket number as confirmation that your incident has been created. When the ticket is updated on our side, you will receive email as well. Screenshots or other attachments can be included, and will be visible on our side. If you reply to that email (above the designated line) it will automatically update your ticket with your reply, but you will not receive an email confirmation that you have updated your ticket. This is to cut down on the amount of email you need to manage. The next time we respond, your history will be included.
If your intent is to create a new incident, however, you should draft a new email to We cannot currently separate an email reply out into it's own support incident, and if you want a separate incident to track a different problem, you should not reply to an existing incident email. If you do, it's likely that your new issue may be missed as part of a different, potentially already solved, incident.
Screenshots and other images can be included in your emails, and we will be able to see them. However, this should not be used in lieu of a proper subject and problem description in your email. Including only a screenshot of the problem will very likely delay having your issue addressed.
When we need additional information in order to assist you, we place the incident in Pending status. This indicates that we are unable to proceed without further information. When you reply to an incident in Pending status, the incident automatically returns to Open status. After 24 hours of a ticket being in Pending status, you will receive an email reminding you that we are waiting on information from you. After five (5) days of an email being in Pending status, the incident will be closed, and you will be notified by email. If you want to address that incident again, you will need to send a new email, as you cannot update a Closed incident.
When we believe we have resolved an issue for you, we will update the ticket to Solved status, and you will receive an email confirmation. If you have additional information, or if the incident is not resolved to your satisfaction, any reply to that email will reopen the incident. (Note: Even email replies just to say "Thank You" will reopen the incident, but we will set these back to Solved without a reply.) Once a ticket has been in Solved status for five (5) days, it will be automatically closed.
Once an incident is Solved, you will receive an email asking you to rate your satisfaction with the service you received. These ratings are very important to us, so we would appreciate your taking time to rate the ticket by clicking one of the two links provided. At that point, your ticket is rated, but you will be brought to a page where you can add an additional comment if you like.
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