Director is the name of the web interface for the bLoyal solution. This article serves as a basic introduction to accessing and using Director for a new bLoyal client or user.
Logging In
You may access Director via the following URL;
Initially, you'll reach this login screen:
Your login credentials are provided by either the project manager deploying your account or the designated bLoyal administrator at your business. Depending on the access you've been granted you may not have access to all of the items described below. If you have forgotten your password you can use the "Forgot your password?" link to reset it. You will need the email address or username associated with your account to reset your password.
Once logged in, you'll have a variety of modules to choose from. Modules are how we refer to the various sections of Director. They are indicated by the rectangles toward the top of the screen, seen below:
In addition to the modules are setup and tools, visible in the upper right.
Each module has several subsections we refer to as tabs. These are on the left side of the screen from within a module. Below you'll see the available tabs for the mailings module which include overview, campaigns, newsletters, etc.
Many sections of Director include the ability to search. The default search is the quick search which allows searching upon basic criteria applicable to the section you're in. An example quick search from the customers module may be seen below.
Most searches also allow an expanded search which is made available by clicking the blue arrow icon . An example expanded search may be seen below:
This is the customer expanded search. Where as the default search only included a single quick search field, this allows many different criteria to choose from. The lookup allows you to choose what field you'll be searching from. Sort by allows the results to be sorted in a variety of ways. Results per page can expand the search results up to a maximum of 500 results on each page. Other options vary depending on what area you're searching.
Common Icons
In addition to the blue expanded search arrow mentioned above, there are a few other common icons within Director that perform the same function wherever you come across them. Some examples are:
The plain blue disk on the left is save. This will save any changes made. The disk with the X is save and close which saves changes and closes the open form.
Print the open form.
Add an attachment.
Extra actions available. Click the arrow for the menu to open and display what is available (options vary).
The blue arrow will maximize the open window. The red X will close it.
Export results in Excel format.
Change what columns are visible and in what order.
Copies a selection.
Module Detail
Below you'll find a brief description of each module and some of the tabs available within. This is meant as a brief overview to a new user and not an in depth guide to their use.
The insight module is the home to all of the reporting available in Director. Each tab within Insight contains reports significant to that area. For example, the Sales tab contains reports such as the Sales Transaction Detail Report which shoes the product detail of each transaction for a given time frame and store. We encourage you to explore each tab and read the report descriptions to see everything that is available.
The customers module contains tabs primarily relevant to customer information and customer groupings. Some of the most used tabs include customers (a searchable list of your customer database), customer lists (allows the creation of customers lists usable in a variety of ways such as mailings and loyalty programs), and subscriber groups (opt in / opt out customer groups).
This module contains everything related to customer mailings. Campaigns, newsletters, events, and surveys. Each type of mailing available includes a variety of choices for which customers you'll send to as well as multiple design templates and the ability to upload your own. Tracking information for your mailings is located here as well.
Everything related to customer loyalty is located here. Discounts and promotions, coupons, membership programs and clubs. There are a wide variety of discount and coupon types available and many ways of awarding them to your customers.
What is available in the orders module depends on what type of bLoyal account you have. If you are a non-order processing client, this is where you may view your sales transactions. If you do order processing as well, this is where you'll process orders and order batches, create club runs, and process shipping information.
The products module contains an editable listing of all of your products. Also included are departments and categories for your products as well as the ability to set up customizable web catalogs. Detailed inventory tracking is also here as well.
This is where a lot of the more technical side of the bLoyal solution occurs. That includes the setup of stores and devices which are used in a variety of ways such as integrating Director with outside channels like the POS or a web store. This is also where bLoyal Snippets may be set up. Snippets are essentially small applications that may be placed on a web site and used in a variety of ways, including web stores, customer signups, and club account management.
The payments module is primarily for clients who use gift cards and egift cards. It provides the ability to track card balances and transactions.
Various configuration options and settings. These include user accounts, inventory locations, receipt templates, shipping settings, tax information, and more. Also accessible are service provider settings. Altering settings in the setup section should be limited to advanced users or done with the assistance of your project manager or bLoyal support.
Included in tools are options to import and export data into almost any area of Director. Also included here is the ability to upload content such as images or custom CSS files and export accounting information. The customer email opt out list resides here as well.
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